Singing Guide: Linda Thompson

Singing Guide: Linda Thompson

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Linda Thompson is an English folk-rock singer who possesses a great versatility that allows her to sing any genre of music effortlessly. Her unique singing style seamlessly combines classic folk-rock and ethnic Scots and Irish tunes with her adventurous stories, which lift listeners emotionally.

If you are interested in learning singing like Linda, there are several vital skills to master.

  • Firstly, you need to understand your voice, your vocal range, and the voice type you belong to. You can perform this task by taking our vocal range test. Once you have your range and voice type, you can use our song search to find songs that fit your voice type and range. Linda Thompson had a unique vocal range that made her fit perfectly with both ethnic and English songs. Therefore, Your search result should include songs with similar styles.
  • Secondly, breath and support should be your next priority because Linda's flawless singing is primarily due to breath control. To get started, you can read our breathing basics and breath support articles. After that, you can watch some practical breathing exercises, such as the Farinelli breathing exercise, to help you improve your breath control.
  • Open mouth and throat is another important aspect of singing like Linda. You can read our open mouth and throat article to guide you on how to use your tongue, lips, and jaw to get a powerful and clear voice sound.
  • Singing with emotion and thinking is another distinctive feature of Linda's singing style. To learn better emotional singing, you can read our singing with intuition, skills, emotion and thinking article.
  • Linda's clear and smooth voice requires developing a proper articulation technique to avoid constriction. The finger bite is a great exercise to help develop articulation.
  • Lastly, you should practice singing with vibrato to achieve the melodic approach Linda always adopts when delivering her songs. You can learn more about vibrato in our Singing with vibrato article, and you can use our pitch training tool to practice.

In conclusion, to sing like Linda Thompson, you need to learn your voice type and range, develop proper breath control, practice singing with emotion and articulation, and finally, learning to sing with vibrato. Singing Carrots provides several tools to help you learn all these techniques, including our range test, song search, pitch training tool, and, most importantly, our educational singing course. Using these tools in tandem with the resources we've compiled here will undoubtedly help you hone the singing skills needed to master Linda Thompson's style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.